
When it begin

I stick to evolve a better World, a different Web and harmony, merging art, tech and science.

Binyamin Laukstein,

In 2001 I became passionately interested how Web works and how easily it changes the World knowledge. Since then I make the Web a better place and in spare time propose Web standards, UX concepts, advise major companies and innovate.

Ajax SEO idea began in 2007 while using Dynamic Drive Tab Content Script with HTTP cookie memorized last opened tab, where I expanded its features with Google Analytics compatibility.

Later, in 2010 I found Asual's (Rostislav Hristov) jQuery Address plugin and wondered about missed SEO, Ajax crawlability, Apache + MySQL + PHP compatibility, and so I began my first GitHub project Ajax SEO with jQuery Address plugin.

Through time I saw Asual and jQuery code too slow, outdated and unnecessary and in 2013, while developing cross-platform webapps on multiple devices, I decided to go forward - remove dependencies and make own code with native JavaScript/APIs and more W3C cutting-edge standards.